Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

[P115.Ebook] Download Fine Woodworking Tables and Chairs, by Editors of Fine Woodworking

Download Fine Woodworking Tables and Chairs, by Editors of Fine Woodworking

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Fine Woodworking Tables and Chairs, by Editors of Fine Woodworking

Fine Woodworking Tables and Chairs, by Editors of Fine Woodworking

Fine Woodworking Tables and Chairs, by Editors of Fine Woodworking

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Fine Woodworking Tables and Chairs, by Editors of Fine Woodworking

A collection of top-rated projects – all in one gorgeous book. At Fine Woodworking, our editors are always on the lookout for quality projects in a variety of styles that meet our standards. Those that do are featured in our magazine, on our website, in videos and some are available in print and digital plans. And now for your enjoyment, 18 of our favorite table and chair projects are showcased all together in Fine Woodworking: Best Tables & Chairs.

Furniture to inspire and challenge you. Whatever your abilities, Best Tables & Chairs has a place in your shop. It’s bursting with beautifully made projects that will inspire beginners to try their hand at furniture making, perhaps for the first time. For the more advanced, there are plenty of challenges to stretch your skills and advance your understanding of this fine art.

Something for every taste and every skill level. From simple to sophisticated, the beautiful projects in Best Tables & Chairs are tempting to consider. But you can do more than look and wish. Because it also provides you with clear instruction and the detailed drawings so you can create your own masterpieces, including gorgeous pieces like these ...

  • Limbert-style coffee table
  • Porringer-top tea table
  • Bow-front hall table
  • Arts & Crafts side table
  • Hayrake dining table
  • Philadelphia side chair
  • And so much more!

  • Sales Rank: #561965 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-04-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.00" h x 8.75" w x .50" l, 1.25 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 176 pages

About the Author
Fine Woodworking has been publishing the best woodworking information for small shop woodworkers since 1975.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great design book
By Andrew Titmus
A quality book from Fine Woodworking. There are a range of really nice designs and projects in this book. The instructions are not completely thorough, so this book is probably not for the beginner, you definitely need a certain amount of knowledge to complete the projects as described, but combined with other woodworking books, this is a great addition to my collection.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By LMP Woodcraft
Husband loved it

See all 2 customer reviews...

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Fine Woodworking Tables and Chairs, by Editors of Fine Woodworking PDF

Fine Woodworking Tables and Chairs, by Editors of Fine Woodworking PDF
Fine Woodworking Tables and Chairs, by Editors of Fine Woodworking PDF

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